As part of our Humanitarian Communication class at the HEG Geneva, we had to create a communication strategy to enroll 250 new donors. During our online research, we found out about the « » platform, which allows you to launch your own campaigns. Therefore, we decided to launch our own campaign for Christmas to support Health Projects for Children.

The project: LeDA*: four letters to improve children’s healthcare in West Africa. This application is based on the WHO clinical protocol (IMCI) and guides health personnel to diagnose accurately sick children. Data is stored and processed for analyses, reporting and quality control improvements. This is a major achievement for the health of children, especially in rural areas: diagnosis has improved and treatment is more adapted to the children’s medical needs. With more than 1.5 million children consulted with the help of this tool, Tdh has made a further step towards guaranteeing the right to health to the children of West Africa.

Please help us reach our goal!

Thank you for your support.

Nejma & Yasmine

Jeden Tag sterben 16'000 Kinder unter fünf Jahren. Tragen Sie dazu bei, die Kindersterblichkeit zu senken und das Wohlergehen von Müttern und Kindern zu verbessern.  

Zewo certified
Als von der Stiftung ZEWO zertifizierte Organisation garantieren wir die zweckmässige, gewissenhafte Verwendung der uns anvertrauten Spenden.
Wohin gehen Ihre Spenden?
81% der Spenden werden direkt für unsere Programme, das heisst die Kinder verwendet. Die Verwaltungskosten werden auf ein Minimum beschränkt.

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